FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
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Check out the knowledge base below or contact us!
Can I install an alarm system?
Installing an alarm system may be considered by the board, so first be sure to write to them and obtain permission. You can do this by emailing kindersley.ha@gov.sk.ca or bringing your written request to the office and we will add it to their meeting agenda. Please note that you will be required to provide the code so that we can enter your unit in the event of an emergency.
Can I have a pet?
Kindersley Housing Authority has a local policy for the housing we manage in the town of Kindersley:
“Kindersley Housing Authority does not allow pets on the properties it manages in the town of Kindersley. The definition of pets includes, but is not limited to: dogs, cats, birds, rodents, fish and reptiles. The property includes: (1) the interior of the units (2) front or back yards, and (3) any common areas. Allowing a pet, or having a pet, on the Kindersley Housing Property may result in an eviction notice and tenant charges for any damages that may have occurred as a result of the pet(s).”
Can I install my own lock?
You may not install your own locks. If your lock is not secure, call our office and we can replace it for you. Please think carefully before you decide to give out a copy of your house key. If problems do arise from giving a key to someone else, the locks can be changed by the housing authority, but you will be responsible for the cost involved. Keys will only be given to adults who are on the lease.
How do I move in?
First, you need to submit an application form to our office, please see the links and downloads page for the application form. For information on filling out the application and submitting it, please also find the cover letter document that best matches your application. Once your complete application and documents are submitted to our office, we will process it and submit it to the board of directors for approval. Once approved, your name will be added to our approved applicant list and attached a score based on the information you provided us. When the next unit comes vacant, we assign it to the application which has the highest score (highest need) on our approved applicant list at that time. For more information, call our office at 306-463-3931.
How do I pay for rent?
Rent is due on or before the 1st day of the month. Rent can be paid in a number of ways: interact, cheque, money order, post-dated cheques or pre-authorized payments.
How do I maintain my furnace and water heater?
If you have a furnace/ hot water heater, it will be serviced at least once a year by the maintenance staff so that it operates safely and efficiently. It is your responsibility to change the furnace filter as required. A minimum of four times a year is suggested. If your furnace or water heater stop working, contact us at 306-463-3931 or in an emergency 306-463-4422. Please do not use the space around the furnace or water heater as a storage area; a minimum of three feet (1 meter) should be left clear around both appliances.
How do I report repairs and maintenance issues?
If your home requires repairs or maintenance contact us at 306-463-3931 as soon as possible. When you call for repairs, permission to enter will be requested. When granted, steps will be taken to complete the repairs as quickly as possible. If you wish to be present for repairs to be done you may arrange an appointment once you have reported the problem to the office. Most repairs will be completed by housing authority personnel, but some may require a contractor which may take a few days.
How do I submit a transfer request?
Transfer requests should be submitted in writing to our board of directors, so they may consider it during their monthly meetings. You can do this by emailing kindersley.ha@gov.sk.ca or bringing your written request to the office and we will add it to their meeting agenda. Please note that you may be charged a transfer fee, be sure to contact our office for more details.
How is rent in social housing determined?
In our social program, rent for each housing unit varies because rents are based on incomes. Your income will be reviewed annually to determine your rent. Rent charged is at 30% of your total family gross monthly income (before deductions). In order to know what we call rent, please see the Social Housing Handbook on the Links and Downloads page for details.
Is yard maintenance my responsibility?
If you have your own lawn and yard, you are responsible for maintaining it; cutting and watering the lawn, controlling weeds and keeping the overall appearance tidy. In winter, sidewalks must be kept clear of snow and ice. If the housing authority staff must do this work in order to meet community standards, you will be asked to pay a service charge
Should I get insurance?
Kindersley Housing Authority cannot provide you with any type of insurance coverage. Under the lease agreement we cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to your furniture or belongings. To protect yourself against loss by fire, flooding, theft, weather or other factors we encourage you to purchase your own insurance. Two Agents for this could be Kelly Insurance or Kindersley Insurance, both are located on Main Street. If you have a water bed, a pool or trampoline, liability insurance coverage is required.
What about visitors?
Relatives and/or friends may stay for up to 3 consecutive nights (72 hours). You should inform your housing authority if the visiting time exceeds that amount. If we are not notified, then you may be considered in breach of your lease. You are responsible for the behaviour and activities of your visitors, be sure to inform them of our policies and suggested practices. Visitor parking is available in designated areas only. In most cases, visitors park on the street near your home.
What is the parking policy?
Parking is provided for roadworthy and licensed vehicles. Depending on the location of the home the tenant may have to pay for parking per month. If there are no available spots the tenant will be placed on a wait list and be notified when a spot has come available. Parking stalls and yards must not be used for vehicle maintenance or storage. Parking lot plug-ins are for block heaters only. Visitor parking is available in designated areas only. In most cases, visitors park on the street near the tenant’s home.
Can I paint, wallpaper or install light fixtures in my unit?
Any changes to the unit, such as new ceiling fans, light fixtures, paint or wallpaper may not be attempted by the tenant. The tenant may write a request to the Board of Directors if these changes are necessary.
What should I do if I lock myself out?
You may contact the housing authority and a member of the maintenance staff will unlock the door, providing you can prove you are the tenant of that home with photo ID. If you are locked out after regular business hours, a fee will be charged. Keys will only be given to adults who are on the lease.
What should I do when I am moving out?
If you plan to move, your written notice must be received at the housing authority office at least one calendar month in advance. This means on or before the last working day of the month prior to the month in which you intend to move. For example: if you plan to vacate at the end of November, your written notice must be received at the office on or before the last working day of October. If your notice is received even one day late you may be responsible for an additional month’s rent. You can notify our office by faxing 306-463-3937, emailing kindersley.ha@gov.sk.ca or coming to the office and submitting a written notice. Please see the links and downloads page to find a tenant notice to vacate form.
The unit you are vacating must be left clean and in reasonable condition. Please see the links and download page to download a detailed cleaning list. Please note that your move out inspection will be graded by that cleaning sheet. Any items left undone may be charged back to you. Do not allow movers to bring their vehicles on the lawn or sidewalks. You will be held responsible for any damage to doorways and walls caused by the movers. Do not forget to leave your new address with Canada Post and the housing authority.
Please contact the housing authority to schedule your move out appointment. In this appointment, a staff member will visit your unit to check for painting and repairs. The original move-in inspection report will be referred to when you vacate to determine if you will be charged for any damages or cleaning.